Wednesday, December 14, 2011

annndd we're off!


   If you know me personally, you will understand why I created this blog. First and foremost let me introduce myself! My name is Rachel, I am a somewhat non-social, kinda bossy, enjoys old movies, camping, and cooking kinda girl, oooh and fitness too!

  I am not a certified trainer, nor do I attempt to be (although I am hoping that is in my near future). I am simply sharing what has worked for me, and sharing my journey of a 12 week program, which I have taken before, except this time I have a very special person joining me this go around; my mom!.... she inspires me so much and seeing her have this type of motivation too makes it even better !!

Today was the first day of this 12 week plan,, yes yes its wednesday, I hate starting any other day but monday (no clue why), however since we started today, we are going to make this first phase, which is all about bulking... ( dont give me that look!) ....... females do not and will not (unless using enhancing steroids) gain muscle like guys do, so those ladies you see that have huge muscles..... yeah not possible just by doing a simple bulking phase... I PROMISE ( I know promises already huh, good way to start things) but take my word for it, if you dont want to, look it up EVERYONE from fitness models to just a gym junkie like myself will tell you this.

  anywho first phase is all about bulking, I am using Jamie Easons Livfit program (so the details are there) you can find it on best part is its free, and she maps out everything from food, to suppliments (if you take them), and exercises for each week of each phase.... there are three!

this first phase has to be my favorite, I have asthma so cardio not only a big NO in my head but its also scary for me.. however I still do cardio but this phase all you do is weights.....and eat.... who doesnt love to eat???

 now of course I cant just leave it at "eat" , there is a way to eat, guidelines, but I promise you will never be hungry.. and the food isnt that bad either just smarter choices

  1. keep as close to the natural version of food, meaning avoid canned food, deli meats, (anything with preservatives)  .. avoid soda (even diet) , juices, and sugar!! (sugar is incredibly difficult to burn off) <- that being said there are recipies ill share that fix that craving!

  2. the idea goes something like this ... try and get fresh , if fresh is unavailable then go for frozen (talking veggies here ) and finally canned (ONLY if you are unable to find fresh or frozen) .. I personally like frozen because veggies spoil quick so if you dont use them all in a week (which you should) they wont all go bad on you!

  3. meat is lean ,... chicken , pork chops, tilapia (havent tried it yet), round steak, lean fish, anything lean.. again not canned or battered .. im talking boneless, skinless chicken breast, boneless porkchops, flank steak... those sort of things

 4. eating 6 times a day.. yes six so preperation is key here!!.. I will give you an example
                                 morning - (ONE HOUR OF WAKING UP <- VERY IMPORTANT)
                                           2 egg quiches (no worries ill give you the recipie)
                                        1/2 cup of old fashioned oatmeal, with berries, or even cream of wheat
                                        water or green tea
             (2 hrs later)  snack
                                            Protein bar (jamie eason has some great ones) (homemade are the best)

             (3 hrs later) Lunch
                                    4 0z chicken ( I used the crockpot for mine very good .. again ill post recipies)
                                    veggies (unlimited)
                                    water or green tea
             ( 3 hrs later) snack
                                   sweet potato with a little cinnamon
                                   low fat cottage cheese (1/4 cup)
              (2 hrs later) Dinner
                                     lean meat of some sort (flank steak lettuce wrap with onions maybe?)
                                     brown rice (1/2 cup)
               (2 hrs later but no later than 7 pm) night snack :
                                   protein shake (I love the banana shake with oatmeal and almonds

   *** mind you this was my day ... you may eat different things but the plan is to keep meals small but protein in each... and water ... jamie eason (again since this is her program) has a full list of meals, and when to eat them etc **

  okay well I dont want to make this post too long winded (might already be??) so I am going to leave it at that....... today mom and I did chest and triceps... btw there is an awesome app for smart phones that you can program each of her workouts to so you dont have to try and memorize them or have to bring a paper with you its call JeFit... SUPER awesome love this app!

  we had a good workout, my arms were very limp afterwards but I wasnt coming out of the gym at 6 a.m. dead tired......... so day one... exercise is over!!!

                  Hope this helps, if you have questions by all means feel free to message me, or comment, I will be updating regularly so I will answer fairly soon!~ any ideas? or want me to talk about something specific .. let me know! :)

My progress on livfit this year (2011) ....round 2 and a little more fat on me since I took a break when we moved


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