Wednesday, December 14, 2011

one of the more important parts

      So remember in HS, or school in general you had to prepare for a test? or a project? heck even now in the "grown up world" preparing for meetings, or whatever may come your way?

       well that applies here too! ... food prep is important... may seem like .."meh" but trust me its hard to go through any program much less this one without it! I cannot tell you how many time I found myself unable to cook dinner for myself that night because I was too tired, especially if not everyone else is on the same boat... that mac n cheese becomes even more tempting when its an easy go to food because one of your family memeber or roomates have already made it.

      Lets face it... how many times have we got stuck doing errands or too busy at work to go to lunch longer than a few minutes and found it easy to go through a drive thru rather than just head home and make something "healthier"?   I can tell you those salads at fast food restaurants are not quit as healthy as they make it out to be... healthier than a double cheeseburger and fries? yes... but not by much..I am not going to say who but one fast food joint's salads are up in the high 600-700 calories!!.. yes there are ways to go to restaurants and order healthier food, especially when its out and about with friends on a girls night out on the town (which ill talk about in a later post)........ however for everyday.... workers, full time students or plain busy with children or what have you..... thats just not going to cut it!

      I always have a protein bar with me (you can find some really good homemade recipies out there ) like for example today after the gym I had a chocolate peanut butter protein bar ... highly recommended for that sweet tooth that should arise! There are other things you can carry along, (course I opt for homemade items because I can control what is in them) ... its just a thing to get you covered until you are able to sit down and eat your next meal...... if your a runner, always busy type person.... there is no shame in taking a lunch box and having your food with you in your car, at work or wherever is easy to access it for when its time to eat!...people can think its funny all they want, but will soon realize that you are dedicated, and that what seemingly is funny nonsense to them, theyll will end up doing the same if they do decide to get into shape!

I am not going to lie, food prep can be, and is usually time consuming, think about it your cooking all your meals (6 of them a day) for your whole week ....thats 36 meals ( I usually dont count prep day since I usually have some leftover and am making meals all day)..... but thats a lot of meals right??? ..... okay before you decide to hyperventilate.. let me say this...your cooking in bulk.... so one day you might do a lb of chicken in the crockpot , cut up veggies for your salad or snacks, make 1-2 different protien bars ( I usually do one sweet and one not so sweet so I have option), making apple chips/Kale chips so you have something cruchy when in the mood... and dont forget breakfast ....  it is still a lot but not nearly as much as you would think, plus that lb of chicken you cooked can be made into several other things!

So get a friend, make a list of what you want to eat that week, and pick a day to cook it, usually one when you have off and are able to spend time in the kitchen. The cool thing about having someone cook their stuff with you is that you learn new recipies, I am always picking new recipies to try... and its worth it... no one not even I can have just eat chicken and sweet potatoes every day all week for several weeks... no thanks! so switch it up and get out there!

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