Saturday, June 30, 2012

Been too long

Well it has been a whirlwind of things going on in my life currently, so much so that other than focusing on the positive as much as possible the lack of a decent ..working... computer did not help. So updates, as I do owe some explination as to why I was off of here for so long... well first off .. I am now working full time.... and becase of my paranoid, must be on time nature, working out has or should say was put on the back burner..... luckly enough I have some wonderful friends that know just what to say and how to say it... "rae whhhat happened" (p.s. thankkks guyysss) yyyooowwchhh! Okay okay so I have not been to the gym since well (its beginning july - so prolly about 2 months) we will go ahead and say 3 months... scary huh? ... so desk job... my new goal for the next few weeks is to figure out how to incorperate working out as well as maintaing an active lifestyle doing a desk job... you see previously I worked on my feet, actually had a pretty physically and mentally draining job, but now .. more so mentally and not very physcial ... although I am trying to convience my boss that a pull up bar in the back would be worth it!(So far I have recieved a chuckle and "yeahh rae"....yeah not happening) July 4th is this coming Wednesday, we are traveling to Ouray Colorado, more so to go rock climing in the jeep so I am hoping to be a little more active this next week.. then come Monday the 9th I am starting up the workout an actual gym... 5 am and all ...yayyy :/ So what do you do to prevent a metabolism slow down? Think ..when is your most active part of the day.... what supplements are you taking, do you work out? if so when? and most important when do you eat? I will share a few things I do and have done the last few months... I am nervous to get started again but my shoulder is healed and I am ready to get back at it... share your ideas, experiences if you have them... what pushed you to go?

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