Tuesday, February 14, 2012

a little behind!

mom and I early phase 1

  SO I know here recently I have been on this rave about why its important...So now for an update on mom and I and some recipes to try!! let me tell ya mom and I are doing it...I think once we started and just said okay enough with this lolly-gagging around BS.. it really started to set in as a routine...I am so extremely proud of my mom... I mean look at her, she has kids (mind you we are all older, but she is constantly helping us out and being there when she could be doing something else), she works a job that takes a lot out of a person, and on top of that she has no one pushing her but herself (I do here and there but these last two weeks with my health she has really stepped up and has been the motivator for both of us)...so mom if you read this.. I love you and keep going! we are going to be some hotties come summertime :P 

 I cannot tell you how far we have come, just today we switched up the routine after finally getting use to the one we were doing and we both just felt like "DANNNG, thats a new muscle I didnt know I had" , Jamie eason's plan changes every 2 weeks or so, and although the workouts slightly differ its amazing how one small move switches the muscle you use.. it was tough but we are done


So unfortunately this particular post has been in my draft been since well mid of phase 1...... and here we are in what would have been week 2 in phase 2..... all has been well, I think we are gonna start week 1 of phase 2 over........ my grandfather passed away, and we took time off to go the funeral, and at the same time I messed up my deltoid on the right shoulder area which has made it impossible almost to lift weights......... so I am in physical therapy..... you know I always say quality over quanity and thats for this particular reason... your in a rush and you do something stupid and end up taking off a good amount of time making it even harder to get back into the swing of things!.....ill be find I am just going to work on my lower body, abs and cardio, and hopefullythings will be healed up soon and I can go back to normal.
I think this time around I am gonna step it up...... no more excuses, I am usually really good at stickign to a routine but then this injury happened and I went on a bing with junk food.......... great!
tomorrow I start back up at the gym bright and early, with abs, and cardio.. mom is gonna be doing shoulders, and cardio

I applied for a job last week and go some good reviews and was said to expect a phone call here soon, If i do get it (really hope I do) that means I will have to change routine times...... we shall see!

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