Saturday, January 26, 2013

So I um.. joined a gym?

So I did it.. I walked away from the college gym after many faithful months of going and finally getting to know the staff members ... enough so that they hassle me for being a slacker when I don't show up one day... or my favorite... "your mom is even beating you to the gym now??".... ah yes... she gets a kick out of it too! (I wonder what they will think now?)

I joined a new gym that just opened on Monday, and got a pretty awesome deal... okay well I am technically paying the same amount and now chained to a contract... wait a minute :O
It did sort of help with the fact that one of the trainers there decided to flatter me while i was deciding whether or not to sign the contract by saying "do you do yoga, or Pilates? ... when I replied no he stated that he was surprised because I had amazing posture... ...hook, line and sinker and there I was signing a years contract with a gym. what a guppy.

well the reason behind the whole move was the fact that the college gym is just not open when I need it to be, and with my lovely new graveyard schedule here at work I need something that works with me a bit more... not to mention its only a week old meaning I will have the gym to myself for a few weeks before everyone catches on.

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