Sunday, January 27, 2013

NASM Certification - almond bar recipe!.. and a whole lot of other babble

Can you believe January is almost over and done with? I know I can't ... matter of fact I am not sure if I am quite ready for it. Mainly because per usually I have so many things going on and it just does not seem to be enough time.

Well either way I have been going to this new Gym for about a week now. It is early Sunday Morning (as I am on graveyard again this weekend - not that I mind), but I am trying to get better about updating this thing. 

PS> I am hoping to finish up my NASM certification and becoming a CPT ... it has taken me awhile... mostly due to funds... I am hoping to have it by summer time if not a little earlier..

What I am doing:
Generally Cardio is done once or twice a week... as for me I am doing it 4 times simply because I am on phase two of my plan. 

To update everyone; last year around October I had a fitness competitor/trainer assist me by creating a routine that would help me train/prepare for competition.... I failed miserably .. not to mention spent money that I completely regret... and why?? because I thought having a trainer that had photos posted everywhere of her client's success would help me out more than I was already able to achieve on my own with my own knowledge.... what I learned quickly was 1.) all of the clients the succeeded were able to be personally trained by her... 
                                                ~   I did the virtual program... not a bad choice, not trying to scare anyone by any means .. but make sure you are F-ing ready to put in the time. I figured since I already do online courses for college I would be able to make it because you have to be self motivated.... um .. no ... epic epic fail. (on my part)
I also learned that I had been doing great all along... Jamie eason's program is just as good as the one I spent hundreds on... the only difference? CARDIO.... I basically paid for a list of exercises that I had never heard of (and half used machines my gym did not have), a meal plan that consisted of me eating mostly protein shakes and rice cakes (who am I kidding I already do that)... and it pretty much would have done the same thing had I stayed with Eason's trainer in the end. Not to mention I would have saved some money.

Why am I telling you this? .. because even I make mistakes... just because I have a fancy shmansy blog (okay not really .. but a blog none-the-less), a smartphone that can take pics as though I am a professional .. and I managed to lose a good deal of weight and motivate others...*sigh*.. that didn't sound too egotistical did it??

what I am trying to say is give yourself credit... relax...if you have a trainer great, if you are going solo just realize that things take time...

        what do I do? I spend a lot of time on sites like, and fitness forums, and looking up different uses for supplements... I ASK QUESTIONS... really annoying ones.. but I do what I have to!.. I jumped into something I was not ready for simply because I was frustrated in the first place for losing my motivation and giving up.. and then the fact that I had an issue with my "muscle, and tone" being gone or not coming back made me panic. Having that trainer did help me motivate myself, but she couldn't do the work for me.. I had to. at that time I just wasn't up for the challenge. (if it had been any other way I am sure I would have made her "clients that succeeded" list.)

        This post probably sounds like a lot of bashing on trainers or the trainer I had... and that is in no way it's purpose. let me clear it up; most people do not know the exact laws of everything, and in order to do what they need to.. they hire a lawyer to assist them with whatever it is pertaining to the law or ...getting out of trouble..ehem... Well first off you wouldn't expect a lawyer to give you their knowledge for free... and so you cannot expect a personal trainer to .. they worked for it..(and probably paid crazy amounts to obtain it .. I know I did).. HOWEVER ... if you know the basics... such as "yo don't steal" , do you really need a lawyer to tell you that ?? .. some may but that is beside the point.... for many of us the answer would be in turn.. I knew what I had to do in order to get where I wanted (as I have done it before), but because I panicked and did not want to be patient I ended up paying for something I didn't need... which is just as bad as buying a diet pill on an infomercial.

If you need or want a personal trainer.. GO FOR IT they can and will help you...especially if this is a begging chapter in your fitness journey,  but if you are being like I was and wanting magic to happen without doing the work .. then don't waste your time, and save yourself a buck. 

Current routine :
Monday: Back and Cardio (4 sets, 15, 12 and 10 reps)
Wide Grip (overhand) pullups 
barbell bent over row
cable seated row
wide grip lat pulldown
one arm dumbell row
hyperextension (with or w/out bench)
Cardio (30-35 min)
Tuesday: Chest, Abs, Cardio.(4 sets, 15, 12 and 10 reps)
wide grip bench press (barbell) 
push ups
cable cross overs 
smith machine incline bench press
side to side push ups 
toe touchers
knee high hip raises on parallel bar
cable crunch
Cardio (30-35 mins)

Wednesday: Legs(4 sets, 15, 12 and 10 reps)
Leg Extensions
barbell wide stance squat (just use the barbell if you are unable to add weight just yet)
leg press
walking barbell lunge (in place)
Pile squat

 Thursday: Arms, Abs, Cardio (4 sets, 15, 12 and 10 reps)
barbell curl
overhead cable curl
hammer curls (rope or dumbells)
alternate hammer curls
bench dip
skullcrushers (please be wary if your arms are shaking)
seated triceps press (I prefer standing)
triceps pushdown (rope)
air bike
jack knife sit up
hanging leg raises 
Cardio (25-30 mins)
Friday: shoulders, cardio (4 sets, 15, 12 and 10 reps)
Smith machine overhead shoulder press
dumbell upright row
standing military press
Front incline dumbbell raise
rear-delt cable flyes
lateral raise
rear delt raise
Cardio (30 mins) 

Saturday:LEGSSSSS (4 sets, 15, 12 and 10 reps)
Seated leg curl
leg Extensions
barbel lunge
thigh abductor
lying leg curls
thigh adductor
stiff legged deadlift 
barbell single leg squat
leg press 
 Sunday: ABS and REST (4-5 sets, with high reps .. usually failure)
Air bike
Russian twists 
cross body crunch
exercise ball crunch (if at gym)  

only cardio if you missed a day 

I love this routine because they are exercises I KNOW.. my gym has most of if not all of the equipment, and I don't feel like an idiot trying to figure them out.... if you want more help plus a TON of other routines go to JEFIT ( ... there is an awesome app that you can download that with give you all of these routines, keep your stats up to date, as well as each one has a GIF, or clip of how the exercise is done.... my name is lilred7 on there... and if you want to download this specific routine for your own use - download it on your profile and sync it straight to your phone

 here is its link
one last thing. ... I love writing... I enjoy blogging although I am assured that I do not have a lot of followers, which is alright, I know the ones that I do have and it's nice to see that I am not completely talking to myself on here .. or maybe I am .......  well, either way one of the ladies I was in a forum with created a FB page for her blog about running - you should check it out! ( ). She is very inspiring... I absolutely despise running due to my asthma, however she has inspired me so I think I am going to pick up as an extra routine!...   maybe once I get things going again with my certification I will create a page... 

Until then I wish everyone the best  ... oh and here is the almond bar recipe from Mrs. Jamie Eason ... I made these the other night and when I came home. My husband, and his brother had completely scarfed them down... needless to say I will be making some more this weekend!....

super good, and good for you... ( because of how much sugar it has in it from the honey etc.. I eat them after a workout.. or prior to one... and thats it... and I try REALLY hard to limit myself just because I am working on getting comp. ready

ENJOY :) .. I know I did!

 3 cups Nature’s Path Crispy Rice
 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
 1 cup whole oats
 1/4 cup crushed almonds
 1/2 cup Xylitol brown sugar
 3/4 cup smooth almond butter
 1/2 cup honey
1. Pour the crispy rice, protein powder, whole oats and crushed almonds into a large bowl and shake gently. Avoid stirring, to keep the protein powder from settling on the bottom.
2. In a small glass bowl, combine the brown sugar, almond butter, and honey, and microwave at 30-second intervals, stirring until combined.
3. Add the almond butter mixture to the crispy rice mixture and stir with a rubber spatula until every piece is coated.
4. Spread the mixture evenly into a 9x13 Pyrex dish, or use cookie cutter shapes as molds, and fill with the mixture, pressing firmly into place. Place the 9x13 Pyrex dish in the freezer for at least one hour. Allow the crisp to soften a bit before cutting the squares, or simply break off pieces with your hands. (If using cookie cutters, be sure to remove them before putting the crisp in the freezer.)
5. Store in the freezer.
Nutrition: 1 serving
Calories: 154
Fat: 8 g
Carbs: 21 g
Protein: 4 g

*** you can add dried berries if you like, omit the brown sugar if you do not wanted the added sweetness or calories, as well as my fav. is to leave some chunky almonds in there instead of having them all crushed. 

it is a great source of healthy fat so you do not need non stick spray.. 

and remember these are ADDICTING... so hide them from your spouse .. brother in law ... kids .. the dog.. whoever might enter your kitchen (not even kidding here)... they are supper good, but limit yourself.. as they do contain sugar from the honey which is good .. but of course in moderation.!


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