Wednesday, June 5, 2013

making improvements

have you ever seen yourself on TV? ... pictures are one thing, but seeing yourself on TV is a whole other thing.

Today another competitor added this video link to her status update... browsing through it I realized it is basically is the taping of the whole show!

One thing the judges told me other than needing to add a bit more muscle, was that I needed to be a bit more confident with my appearance. Meaning walk with shoulders back, not so quickly and just show that you are confident.. or fake it till you make it.

I sorta understood what they were saying but it wasn't until I watched the video that I realized it was something I REALLY REALLY need to work on. Unfortunately I did not sit and write down specific times that I appear on both videos (prejudging and finals) , however I can tell you I show up a couple times in both (maybe Ill go back and figure out exacts later)

I think the only times I wrote down were 2:25 and 3:30 for finals? (or it could be the prejudging video?? .. not sure)

Either way I am excited that I got to see myself on it so now I really get to see how I walk.. and appear... It reminds me of the "memes" that you see "how I think I am ... and how I really look?? " ... yeah right on the money with this one HA!

so looking at my phone I am 31 days and 5 hours away from the next comp... I can already tell you that I am making sure to hit the gym daily... and working on my posing (new posing btw for this next competition)

It is my final day here at work (or graveyard I should say)... after that I am a free woman until we move to TX... so hopefully I can put all of my focus into competition as well as school and packing

as for eating.. I am still eating  clean with a ton of crap in the middle (not really clean I guess).... I cannot explain just how much chocolate and candy I have had.. its ridiculous.. but I will get back into the game... as of right now I am trying to  keep busy for another 40 mins before I eat again...and most of my meals other than the snacks in between have been back to lean meats and veggies ...

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