Monday, January 2, 2012

getting through the holiday

  Hey guys!

    So finally we are done and over with the holidays, it has to be the hardest part of the year for me to stay focused...the holidays just really bunch up at the end of the year ... and if you are like me it is very difficult to stay focused when you have a deep fried turkey, and sweets all around you... not to mention it is a social event and not everyone eats "clean" so I know for me I found it difficult to turn down all this food in fear of appearing rude....

  and so straight out with it.. I failed miserably!... but its over and no need to continue thinking about it... moving on and up from here!

I went grocery shopping got the basics, veggies, lean meats such as chicken breasts (skinless & boneless), bottom round steaks, lean ground turkey along with my almond butter, almond milk ( I use almond breeze unsweetened) .. oats, and whatever else I think I may need...

This is a new year, new goals, new chance to start over so avoid dwelling on what may have happened this holiday involving a mass amount of food......

Mom and I went to the gym today we started the routine back up, even though technically we have done 2 weeks worth of workouts, since we didn't eat clean during that time we are starting over......I called my mom up and asked when she wanted to get to the gym, and 6 a.m. came to be a good time for us, only once I got there did she reveal to me that she was not expecting me to call her and ask if she wanted to go, and she herself was kinda hoping I wouldn't....saying ..I thought to myself if I turned off the lights off and turned the TV down you'd wouldn't notice or call.

 To be honest I really really wanted to call her this morning and say "eh lets start tomorrow" but I can tell you I no longer feel that way since I have worked out... trust me you will never regret a workout... matter of fact for me it makes my whole day better...

today I think I am gonna go over and help  my mom prep her food, plus its always nice to have someone to talk to, I only hope that for whomever starts this program, or whatever program it may be.. really finds someone to go with it makes the workouts fun, go by faster and having to check in with each other really holds you to it!

I apologize I don't have recipes for today.. I will take pictures of the food we make during prep and post them so you can get a visual idea of what type of meals we have and snacks etc. 

Best wishes to everyone and know that if you have fallen off the wagon once or twice or more its alright I have too, you just get back on and continue going you will get where you want just don't stop!!

P.S. for as much hype as I hear people talk about the new year resolutions and getting fit there must have been fewer people there today at the gym than I have seen at all since I started going a few weeks ago...hmmm

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