Friday, December 16, 2011

I'll be the first to admit

I will admit when I make a mistake...(well usually .. hopefully..............ehh) ANYWAYS.. Today I did something that is really a big "no no" when coming to working out... its an obvious thing, however it is also an extremely important thing to remember... especially when you are in a rush!
 Eating.. yup... you know how I talked about eating an hour within waking up, well I know better and still made the mistake of not only eating too close to a workout but I also ate too little!
 so to update mom and I have been working out for 3 days now, and today was a leg day. I have to say I am so so proud of my mom she is absolutely amazing, shes motivated and even when I feel like "eh we can skip that workout" (cause I'm being lazy) she still works it all!...I know I can count on her as motivation and someone to push me.. which has been rare, its usually me pushing someone else... and having her there has made me work even harder this time around!
so back to the "no no" .. in the end,  eating late and eating too little led to me becoming extremely dizzy and extremely nauseous halfway through the workout.... how embarrassing is it to be at a gym with people all around, all knowing the obvious rule of eating before working out etc, and your the one looking pale and trying to be wonder woman and get sick in the process........ now that's definitely an exaggeration of what happened... people at the gym are usually not judging others, they know your there and working hard, and they will help you if you ask without even second guessing..... I didn't pass out nor did I get sick, but you could tell I looked awful and it hit quick!  I unfortunately had to putt out one exercise before completing the full leg routine, but my mom continued as I sat with her.
That being said eating is important, I had a small protein bar, which by the way is not nearly enough especially on a leg day. So to give you an idea of what would be alright to eat in the morning I am going to post two recipes:
First is a very simple quiche ... you make them in muffin tins so that you can put two together in a bag and freeze them.. and it allows them to be portable so if your in a rush .. like I was today.. you have them on hand..

I use the carton of 100% egg whites
I use chicken that I have cooked
turkey bacon
any lean meat
veggies such as onions, mushrooms, spinach, and since I'm in NM my fav. Green chili (hot of course :) )
you fill each tin with a mix of veggies and meat (if you choose meat or you can just stick to veggies) you then fill each tin with egg whites ( I use about one egg white per tin) ... avoid cheese or salt,, if you do decide to use cheese go ahead but use low fat as well as a very small amount like a pinch because it only adds to the amount of calories per quiche.

here I have a mix of chicken and chili, turkey and onions ... and round steak pieces (that I had cooked in a prev. dinner) and onions and mushrooms ( don't forget to spray the pan)

here I have the egg whites in ...(1-2 egg whites per tin)

......and viola the final product...easy I know but so helpful, I have twelve here so 2-3 per day and I eat it with 1/2 cup of old fashion oats (which if you wanted you could add oats to these as well) freeze and take out as you are ready microwave for 30-40 seconds!

Now for my second recipe .. a banana , almond, oat protein shake (this works because it is around 350 calories the size of a meal, so it works as a breakfast, however it is really highly suggested you drink this at least an hour BEFORE you workout ( I only drink this after a workout!!!!!!!! <- try that first)... it takes a minute for your body to start using it,, and if you try and workout right after it can make you sick .. so after workout it is great..

1 frozen banana, (if you want to make more .. double this recipe)oh and you want the ones that are have brown specs on them .. they make it better....oh and don't freeze it in its peel .. what a mess!
1 cup ice
1/4 cup  Greek yogurt ( I prefer the Greek yogurt w/ honey) but you can use Fage 0%
1/4 cup cooked old fashion oats
1/4 cup almonds

Pour all ingredients in the blender (ice last) and blend till its the consistency you want... you can add some almond milk if its too thick or tinker with it till you find something that fits you, this shake in a whole is not extremely sweet the honey greek yogurt def. helps

**this is a basic recipe like the quiche.. It is hard to put accurate nutritional info on these items because it depends all what you put in usually the shake is around 350 cals and the quiche are anywhere from 50-60 cals .. again how much you put in.... it would be wise to really calculate each thing you eat regardless of what people put as the nutritional info ... because not all almond milk is made the same in calories or fat %...***

Ta-da!... okay well the pics are a bit funny looking, im going to have to fix my cam but here you have it!

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