Monday, January 9, 2012

What it takes

Now we all know motivation is something easily found but not always easily kept. I get asked a lot about how I keep going ... Trust me its not the easiest thing to keep going ...but it is possible to keep it around. I figure if I can get up, get dressed and eat all before my brain wakes up than I have a better chance of making it to the gym ... It sounds funny but the way I stay motivated is by following fitness models on Facebook , Twitter and other blogs ...its actually how I found this program and my role model Jamie eason . Think about it .. this day and age everything is done by social networking be it Facebook , Twitter , texting or what have you ... By the way ,to give you example most If not all posts on here that I have up I did via my smartphone .

social networking is a big part of some peoples lives ..well Like me for example... its how I connect with friends and and family, but because I am on so often I find if I fill my status/Twitter feed with positive and fitness related material ..I intake it more ...therefore keeping my motivation ... I follow Individuals that have made it through hard work and are not supporting BS products but instead Inspire by showing their own success (which I hope I am doing for anyone reading this ).

   As for cost ... Yeah food is expensive ... But again so are medical bills and medication for heart problems, high blood pressure and being overweight in general ... Fast food was designed to be fast probably at one point in time was even a bit healthier ,but today's fast food meals are packed with preservatives and fillers to supply a large amount of people due to increase in population and because its so much easier to run through the drive through than cook a meal , especially since working doesn't always allow the time to do so.

* Some things I do to cut cost is plan each meal for each day so you are not randomly buying things

* I know earlier I mentioned fresh first then frozen and if in desperate need canned ..still true, but for veggies that you know you will need often stick with can buy in bulk and save what you don't use for a later meal .

* look for sales ... Coupons ..use the sales for your benefit ..meaning if chicken is too expensive but top round is on sale ..plan some meals around that instead ..and buy bulk ..eventually you will have a little bit of chicken , lean cuts , and fish in your freezer ..

The recipe I am going to share is one I recently tried out ... And I loved it ...

Top round steak

Steak seasoning (I use "steak dust")

1/2 to 1 tbs. Olive oil (its healthy fat .. or you could just use about the same in just water instead ) round is a tough meat ... I mixed the steak season ..and oil or water and let it marinate for at least 4 hours ( you can use a little bit of meet tenderizer if you want )..once it has marinated for a bit ..use a tendorizing mallet or since I don't have one I used the back of a large spoon ..and I mean tendorize it well ..let it sit for a few more mins then cook in a pan till its done the way you like or even in the oven @ 350 You can sautee onions , mushrooms , peppers ..whatever veggie you like butter just use a small amount of cooking spray You can use it in lettuce wraps (romane lettuce ) use it in a salad or just eat it as is ... For a quick lunch use leftovers and mix with half an avacado .. it acts like mayo does in a chicken salad ..viola streak salad ..sounds weird but super good !! marin

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