Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just look..

       Paula Deen confirms: I have diabetes (VIDEO) ➙ http://gossipcop.com/axqcd
See this is why I am passionate about eating clean and exercise. Now by no means am I trying to be judgmental ..when a person is ready to start ..they will do it ... No one can make them , THEY have to want it ..but for some it seems to takes a major health scare or worse ..or does it ??

       Most health problems can be prevented ... Really they can! Some say eating healthy is expensive ..well imagine all the money you can save and use towards eating healthy and going to a gym by not having to take medication to keep your body healthy, doctors visits or even surgery because of bad habits.
       I love Paula deen, and I love her food ...but I have to admit I am disappointed that she was slow to come out with this ... Yes its a personal matter , but when you are in the spot light and constantly promote unhealthy food yet have a serious health issue because of the very food your consuming and promoting ...its irresponsible ... Yes people do have the choice to make the food or not ..so the blame is not directly on her ..but I just wish people could really see how this extra fattening food destroys your body , thus leading to you spending even more money to fix the problems that were self caused . I mean common she sells butter flavored chapstick for Pete sakes !!!!

     Heck yes the food is wonderful but is it worth the pain and the money to undo any damage ?... There are extremely simple ways to change her food into a bit healthier ..now still not as healthy as I would Like to see people eating but still its a start in the right direction ... Heck maybe now that she is out with it; admitting she has type 2 diabetes (95% leading cause of this disease is due to lack of healthy eating and exercise http://diabetes.webmd.com/guide/diabetes-causes ) and I know she is going to get even worse criticism now ..why not work on the same great recipes but healthier, and promote those ?? I know she can do it! Anyone can, and I hope she does.

      I guess seeing this just sparked something in me . I get frustrated when I hear people complain about weight but won't get up and fix it ...to me its selfish; family , friends they all want you around ... They don't want to worry about you ..you are important to them, some such as children DEPEND on you being around ...so why would you treat the only body you have like crap?? And not only that but turn around and complain as if you didn't cause the damage or cannot change it ?? I try and be polite when it comes to eating healthy but I've seen too many people make any excuse to avoid being held responsible for their health .... Heck I have seen individuals with prosthetic appendages out at the gym and not even believing in the word "can't", there are individuals who absolutely have no time between school , kids and work yet still find the time ... And I'm not just talking about working out ....its as simple as eating clean ... It's 90% diet 10%physical activity ...if you can't workout start with eating clean ...its really that simple !!

  So go on what's your excuse ??

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