Tuesday, May 28, 2013

3 days out!!!

Funny enough I am actually not as nervous as I thought I was going to be at this point (mind you that is today ... only God knows how I am going to be tomorrow ha!)

So I am 3 days out, it is 4:30 am on Tuesday the 28th, as I am still working graveyards, and will be until the very last day before competition.

Saturday I had a photoshoot with Peter Gonzales of PG Photography from Albuquerque NM. It was such an awesome experience as I had the chance to have both my make up and hair done professionally!! Peter himself was  very kind, and very helpful. I have done some "modeling" before but am far far far from experienced so it was nice that he took the time to help me pose here and there.... what a rush... 3 outfits, 3 different scenes and 166 pictures later... all within an hour and a half.

I cannot tell you how much I wish I knew how to do my make up like that ^^ ... it was just an all around great experience

So I am down to the last few days, and that being said my diet has gone crazy (mind you this is the last time that I can really get my definition out for competition so it is a bit extreme (and not something I do on a regular basis).....

it goes something like this (for the next 2 days) : 5 meals a day, either chicken or tilapia, with either green beans or asparagus (no other veggie or lean meat)

I don't eat fish so chicken and egg whites it is.... and a rotate between asparagus and green beans...

2 gallons of water (um.. ouch! )... but I am doing it :) ... no carbs, no fats, no sodium, and no sweeteners ... so that means my protein powder and casein is out of the picture for the next two days .

my moods fluctuate between grumpy, to dead tired.... and I think for the most part the dead tired comes from the fact that I have been having a hard time sleeping. I work funny hours and unfortunately my clock has me stuck on being up from 1500-1100 daily... 

however my coach did state that I should go ahead and put a carb back in as I really am needing to maintain.

as for workouts, there really isnt a magic workout that is going to fix any spots I have. My abs show just a little bit, not as much as I want but then again I am in bikini and they do not want that "hard" look so I think it will be okay. 

I do a 30 minute full body routine... 15-20 reps, 4 sets, at a slow pace and then AM and PM cardio both 35-45 mins wearing sweats.. to sweat out toxins and extra water. 

I know there are many competitors that take diuretics which I am not going to as I feel that my body is already under an intense diet for the next few days.

I will have to post a pic of me in my funny astronaut space suit running haha..

I am going to be honest (not like I wasnt before)... but today .. or well yesterday (memorial day) I went to the movies with the husband.. I picked up peanut butter M &M's and ate half the bag, and then continued to scrounge the kitchen for whatever I felt I could eat.... and let me tell you I am frustrated that I allowed myself to do that so close to competition (funny enough that is the first time I have done that in months). However I am back on track and making sure I am following the plan. It did show me though that I will really need to pay attention to how I eat post competition as I have trouble controlling myself once I get a taste of something that I havent had in awhile......... I have read over and over, as well as been reminded by my coaches/teammates that it is VERY important that you give yourself a cheat meal or two but immediately go into a post competition diet ... or you will feel the wrath of a so called food induced hangover....I mean full on bloating, nausea, headache.. and worse of all CANKELS (lol)!! 

I laugh now only because I now that I really need to focus these next few days!

today at 6 I have dress rehearsal... I am really tired and can only think of sleep so I am hoping that I dont get the case of wobbly knees when I get up on stage ( I ALWAYS Do!).... I hate it ... I never understood when someone would say "i cant move" or "my legs are shaking uncontrollably"...well now I can ...

I keep stressing to myself that I WILL NOT do this again if it is not fun, or if I find myself placing competing in front of family or other priorities.,,, I have worked so hard to get here... yes I slacked here and there,,, fell off the wagon, but here I am and I have done what I can up until this point to make sure I stay on track... so I am going to try my hardest to enjoy this.. i WILL enjoy this..

So as I write this I am also making a list of all that I am starting to pack for this trip..... I get off work friday morning .. have to be in ALBQ (3 hours away) by 1300, tanned, drinking my 3/4 gallon of water... and getting some sleep.... I am hoping I can catch a few ZZZZZzzz on the drive there!


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