Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Having backup

Nothing like a few things to go awry so close to comp. ...  I am sure that is one of many... but thank goodness for backup...
So I am officially 11 days away from competition and 4 from my photoshoot... My theme wear (which this particular comp requires) .. is not fully put together.. matter of fact I do not even have a routine down just yet... am I panicking ? why yes I am :)  .... we have two options for props. Unfortunately two weeks ago I found out not only is another teammate doing the same costume, she also has a similar prop. (well crud!). so what now? ah yes come up with a new prop (and again someone else has that same prop, different costume, same prop though) ... UHHHGGG!
it'll be okay though, it always turns out okay! ... both are in different categories so hopefully it doesnt matter much.
Second thing to go was tanning.. of course.... what is a bikini competition without the oompa loompa tan? ... I would like to express my frustration with that situation all together, however I knew when things first started out that I had better have plan B, C and maybe a D in there. Just in case!
diet wise.. doing great. Bored to smithereens with plain chicken, eggwhites, and leafy greens... there is only so many times you can eat that in a day, much less a week.
How do I do it? ... think of food as fuel and not as a pleasurable, social ordeal... also realize that I AM ELEVEN DAYS OUT... if I made it these last 12 weeks with the crazy routines, long hours, fittings, lack of "normal" food, and or going out on dinner dates and opting to stay home and eat my portioned out meals ... then I think I can handle 11 more days :)

progress pics time :)

It is nice to finally see SOME abs 
So now we are headed near peak week (basically the final week and no time for mess-ups.. although I am sure that could also be said the final 4 weeks)

I baked (yes you heard that right - easier than trying to boil) ... 36 eggs...I am rotating between the egg whites and chicken as I highly dislike tilapia ... 

I have become so use to eating this way that I somewhat do not mind it .. I drink roughly a gallon of water still ... that gets difficult ..some days I manage fine others I struggle... Especially if I am at work (I work in a treatment center so being that I monitor individuals  its rare that I get a break or well I should say THAT many breaks) 

I really wish I would have updated this blog more often.. at least once a week so that you could see just the different obstacles that come into play when training for something like this. Balance is something I am working on perfecting.. its my main goal this year (that and building more muscle ;) ) .. I am not to terribly good at it... and I find that out daily, but I am getting there...

In other news I am or I should say will be on the road again here soon... hubby and I are following his job to a different state ... I have to admit as much as I love moving and seeing new places and experiencing new things... I love the fact that I finally became part of a team... and had a few friends, and somewhat of a routine...... 

  ... to be continued


  1. Proud of you, proud to know you and to have been honored to get to call you "friend". Know that wherever you go, you always have well wishes and good friends in the rear-view mirror. Now, knock 'em dead at the photoshoot and at competition next week!

    1. thank you for all of your support and encouragement!
