Friday, May 17, 2013

Finding the patience again...

 Wow ... looking back at this (it was saved in my draft files) ... I have come quite a ways from this... I am happy... I have gotten pretty close to where I want to be....I even signed up for a competition (14 days away as of today) ... joined a team... made progress... and above all quit worrying about what I was reading on that damn scale


After a reasonable amount of time of goofing off and avoiding the important things like finishing my home work and getting ready for graveyard.. I found myself in the bathroom staring at myself and thinking "is anything even remotely different looking??" ... you can imagine my facial expressions on your own, as I annoyingly looked at what little progress I had made in what seemed like forever... my arms... eh, a bit bigger, my waist .... still the same not really a change to note... my legs... uhh never-mind.. you get the point ... it was like staring at the same person I was a month ago....The only difference was that I felt like I was getting somewhere and was motivated!

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