Friday, May 31, 2013

we are a go in 5...4....3...


My last graveyard shift before competition!.... it is currently 0245 and in roughly 5 ish hours I will be on my way to Albuquerque NM to compete in Fitness New Mexico~

I cannot believe how much I was able to accomplish yesterday before work....was off at 0720 .. got my nails done, finished shopping for last minute jewelry pieces, as well as costume pieces..... dropped the dogs off, did some dishes, packed over 4 bags 2 of which contain food... did a short posing session in my house.... scrubbed off the rest of this old spray tan I had for photos last week and meal prep for tonights shift and the next two days ...PHEW!

I have had probably 3 hours of sleep max and currently am doing alright although I cannot wait to sleep in the car (it is only a 3 hour drive)

 Schedule so far

done with work at 0700, and headed out no later than 0830

arrive at route 66 hotel/ casino, see if we can't check in early

tanning (starts at noon) 

registration (comp check in) is at 4 to 6 pm

and then a last minute posing session with the team at 8pm 
Bright and early the next day (competition day :) ) 

up eating first meal by 0300

touch up tan 4 am

make-up 5 am

hair 0530

mandatory meeting at 7 am 

and from then on out its showtime :)

I am currently very calm... finishing up homework (last week in this course :) ) ... working on a few added touches for my costume, and of course work ..... I hope I can maintain this sort of feeling during competition... I  get stressed out easily and unfortunately my poor husband has dealt with my ups and downs as time has gotten closer....  ... water depletion is in progress, and let me tell ya its not as bad as I thought, but then again I am still drinking 3/4 a gallon....


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