Monday, June 3, 2013

WOW~ Part 1

I really do not know how else to say it... but WOW!!

Starting from friday morning.... I got off work and quickly drove home, I had triple checked everything... had three lists going, car packed and on the road in my PJs by 8am (ahead of schedule).... my wonderful husband drove so I got to snooze a bit in the car... although I was quite hungry I knew that I had to get through that day and then the very next morning compete.

Got to the hotel and immediately went over for tanning... lemme tell you that was an experience in itself... nothing bad but definitely a learning curve.... I always wondered how individuals that competed managed to get their tan off within the day ... I mean I have always been spray tanned but you know that whole orange palm thing that happens? yeah well apparently this is not really a spray tan... more like a paint... any bit of humidity aka sweat, any water, anything at all would make it wipe away or become blotchy .. talk about staying cautious..

So got the tan (had to wear long sleeved pants and shirt for the rest of the day .. and of course its summer so I stayed mostly in the room where the A/C was on full blast..... the other unfortunate part of the tan is that you cannot put on lotion or deodorant afterwards or else it'll wipe it off so not only do you eventually stink as the day goes on .. but so does everyone else.. leading to one awkward smell in the back of the stage. You get use to it but it is so weird to think here everyone looks so nice so decorated yet the smell is something hard to avoid.... as for the munchies.. it is a gold mine back there.. candy everywhere (I know I had rolos, M&Ms , teddy grams, chicken, rice cakes, honey, PB etc)... just so everyone can keep up their energy .... (I never thought I would be so tired but by the end of the night I was ready to crash)

So back to friday... got the tan, checked in (was #4)... my new lucky number by the way.... and did a bit of practicing with the team.... it wasnt until 930 pm that I realized that I did not have my prop and that I had left it at home 3 hours away..... talk about panic attack!! ... thankfully my husband who I owe so much to already said he would get it... so he drove all the way home and all the way back to get my prop (didnt get in till 3am)

Saturday competition!!!

So competition day... ate a very small meal, and was back at tanning... I had to do a small touchup (not nearly as bad as some of the other competitiors), however by time they finished spraying me I was a lot darker than I should have been.... matter of fact all of us were so in the end it wasnt so bad because everyone looked similar in color and it wasnt just a few of us that were super dark.. (I will learn to do my own tan though to save money from now on)

Got my hair and make up done (I REALLY REALLY want to learn to do my make up like that.. I always feel so pretty when I get it done !)... that all together took a quick hour... 

then to a meeting and show time at 9 am..... being #4 I was 2nd to go on stage in model division and always 1st to go on stage for bikini...and to be quite honest I was not as nervous as I thought I would be... I mean there nerves were there but I wasnt feeling like I was going to completely pass out or faint.

it was a rush of adrenaline that I now crave!~....  lights.. camera.. action.. and the next thing I know I walk on stage with a ton of lights... so much so that I could barely see the crowd and only the front row of judges... I smiled, did my poses.. making sure to make eye contact with each judge (although my first round I completely walked out there and forgot to look at the judges).....

being that I was in two divisions I was out on stage a total of 8 times... 5 of which were for each suit, themewear, dresswear and activewear ... and the last 3 were for comparisons to the other competitors.... obviously being 5'2 I was in the short class.

I was so excited to see my family between break.. (we did the activewear, dress, and themewear in the morning... took a 3 hour break and then did the two suits)... mind you there were the figure girls and the men categories as well in between the bikini/model routines...

my wonderful husband, mother, father, sister and cousin watched me and I couldnt have been happier that they were there!

finally at 8pm we did the finals and amazingly enough I placed in both categories... 4th in overall model and 2nd in overall bikini short.... I cannot begin to express my feelings when I heard my name announced... I had no idea I would even come close to placing but after hearing my name I couldnt help but have this HUGE smile on my face... by the end of the night my mouth was shaking I was smiling so much.....

I wish I had stage pictures (I have to order them) but hopefully they will be here soon and I can do that...

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